
Good morning!

Monday soon comes around, after a good weekend back to it..

Holbeach Farmers market went well, we sold some pouches, someone bought one to take to a music festival later in the year. When we first posted about these we saw comments from people saying they would be ideal to take, as you are not allowed to take glass to these events. We have been asked if we will be extending the range, yes we will, we will be looking at putting gin in them, our idea is to have a drop down menu on the website where you can choose your flavour. So this is on our to do list and we will keep you updated  when this is up and running.

The competition is still going strong, so thank you to everyone who entered and have shared it, the winner will be chosen on Friday 16th Feb. Also a big thank you to everyone who has taken up the 10% discount offer you received when signing up. These internet orders are a great help to us during a quiet time.

We are still booking shows etc, it's one of those jobs that never seems to end, the shows kick on in earnest from Easter onwards. Easter is early this year so some of our usual Easter shows are happening in April, its a constant juggling act.

So this morning is about planning the week ahead, we have no shows on the weekend, so we can concentrate on whats going on here and at the shops. 

TikTok is still going bonkers, who knew that by just showing what we do on the new platform for us would be so popular, people have said to me you should do this or that, this is popular etc. Now this is certainly not arrogance but I always reply, I’ll just keep doing it. I don’t follow anyone or anything on there so have no idea about these trends etc but the only thing I can do is just be authentic and ourselves. As soon as you try and copy what someone else is doing you lose that. It doesn’t mean I don’t listen to people, I do, those closest to me give me advice and I lean on them for it, I often just sit chatting about my ideas, that can be in work or like yesterday on our way to a lovely dog walk in Sandringham, if my ideas or my thinking is ridiculous I would soon be told. 

The pups are tired this morning, as we spent a couple of hours walking around the woods. It was lovely, something very special being outside in nature. Something I plan on doing more of.

Right, best get my arse in gear and get to the meeting!

Catch you later

Ant x


Groundhog Day

