Choo! Choo!!

Good morning!

Tuesday again.. Yesterday was a bit of a blur!

After an incredible weekend yesterday was all about getting things sorted. It takes a lot of effort to get prepared for a weekend like that and then also to get sorted after. Then things have to carry on, the train keeps on going and never stops.

One thing I have learnt is to take care of myself. People often say things like slow down Ant, you will burn out etc

I appreciate people's concerns but I do take care of myself. Behind the scenes I really do, I regularly exercise, 5am everyday I do my kettlebells, I go boxing once a week, not to fight but I enjoy learning the art of it and I run with my friend Paul. I do these things, firstly because I enjoy them, no point doing something you don't enjoy, secondly I want to remain fit and mobile as I get older so I can run around with my Grandchildren and lastly for my mental health, it's good for my head.

I had a conversation with someone recently about how I am open about talking about mental health, my feelings, my ups and downs, the black cloud that can come over me etc

I learnt through the Pandemic how important it was to be open and talk about things, I did it publicly and the amount of messages I got from men regarding this was amazing. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed to say I have moments where I feel I can't cope, moments when I cry, blimey I've done it often enough publicly. Not once have I had anyone, men or women say anything negative about that. Because there is nothing negative about it and anyone who thinks there is... Well no comment

I have less and less of these dark moments because I have learnt to talk more, I have an amazing group of people around me who I can talk to openly, without judgement, they simply listen and that is enough. Sometimes they don't have to do anything, just knowing they are there if needed can be enough.

I have also learnt that these people want to help me, like I want to help them so instead of shutting them out which is not fair on them, I let them help me. Not an easy thing to do when you are a stubborn pig heading independent man. But it gets easier the more you do it!

So I guess I have learnt and continue to learn, surround yourself with the right people and talk.. Easy to say/write not easy to do..

Have a good day, got another busy one.. This train is not stopping Choo Choo!


Getting stuff done


Amazing time!