
Good morning!

It's a very foggy chilly start to the day, looks like a scene from the blair witch project out there.. I have to get it out there, why do some people insist on driving like a dick in this weather, but they do! Anyway I got that off my chest..

Yesterday was a good day, plenty of bottling waxing and labeling etc It was a sad day because our high tech super expensive wax machine finally gave up the ghost, if you saw our Facebook picture you would have seen it's actually an inexpensive slow cooker from our local supermarket. Despite Gema’s best efforts to keep it going, we have to say goodbye to it and get a new one. The comments on the post made me laugh, it's this part of social media I enjoy the most, the friendly banter and not taking things too seriously, very similar to when we go live. People often ask me about social media and my approach to it, the clue is in the name, its social media and not sales media. It's a free platform to show what you do and how you do it, show the good and the bad and then let people decide if they want to buy something or not. That stuck with me many years ago when I was having a chat with someone about it, so that's what we do. You just have to be authentic, be yourself and try and have some fun with it. 

Bloody baubles will be restocked online today, plus we will be taking some to the show tomorrow and the shops will have some on Friday. They are still going well and we are super pleased with them.

I went off to Peterborough for my meeting yesterday and it was a super productive one, we have the go ahead with the project, so it's all systems go and will be able to show you in a couple of weeks. I have been to many of these meetings in the past and they often come to nothing, but this one was very straightforward and everything was agreed there and then. You often find that in business the more simple and straight to the point the better the relationship you have and real business gets done. It's the same when you deal with small like minded companies, they are straight to the point and you work together very well.

I have received an email to say the new beanies are ready and have been embroidered, this is super quick, they are available to collect this morning from Kings Lynn, the challenge is finding the time to get over there and get them, I would like to because I would like to take some to the show tomorrow. Plus it's going to be chilly so I’d like to be wearing one! We will see if we have time though.

I was reminded last night the clocks change this weekend, so on Sunday we get an extra hour in bed, that will be great because it's going to be an early start anyway, the annoying thing you find is when you can actually have a lay in you find you are wide awake and when you can’t you would love an extra half hour in bed. It's bloody typical!

Right, off to a meeting!

Catch you later

Ant x



