Funny Times!

Good morning!

I was sat outside the distillery earlier, even though it was minus 1 it was very peaceful and pretty out, I wasn’t that cold so I must be getting used to it. 

Yesterday was another good day, I was chatting last night about it being a funny time of the year. Not much happens, as in sales etc, but you still have to remain active. You have to hold your nerve, keep doing what you do because the work you put in now will determine the next few months. Hence reaching out to companies about shows or potential new relationships, taking bookings for taster nights and dealing with enquiries etc

If you just stopped now then nothing would happen going forward, but you also cannot force anything to happen. So you just spend some time chucking out emails, looking for opportunities, like new shows and events and then things happen. It's always the way, the more active you are then the more opportunities you come across. It Sounds so obvious when writing it down! 

So what we try to do during these times is spend some time on each element, looking for new events, booking previous shows, working through the plans for the shops and thinking about new product ideas. As long as we make some progress in each area each day then that will pay off over the next few months. Its the daily chipping away that counts. 

We contacted many groups in and around Wells Next The Sea about meeting up in our cafe and will continue to do this and see what happens.

The leaflets for the shops are under construction so as soon as they are done we will get our walking shoes on and get out there delivering them.

If you saw our Facebook live yesterday, Val did email about a taster night, we will travel for these so even if you are in a different part of the country and would like to host one, just let us know and we will send you more information.

I put the heater on earlier in the caravan soi will be nice and warm..

Right off to a warm meeting!

Catch you later

Ant x


Still chipping away!

