Its Thursday!

Good morning!

It's certainly a chilly one this morning, for some reason I was very confused at first what day it was, and I now know it's Thursday but was convinced it was Wednesday., that was yesterday ha ha!

Its also the 1st of February, January always seems a long month despite going away for some of it. We had a pretty good month, got lots of shows booked and I was pleased with the orders that came in, I constantly remind myself you cannot force things just because they are quiet, you can use the time to get things done that you usually don’t have time to and plan ahead.

Since coming back from holiday I have realised how much I needed the break, mentally that is we have had a couple of days now and made lots of progress and now its important to maintain it. You do this by being consistent, I am a creature of habit so I like it like this. I started writing this blog the day I cam back from holiday last year and I still enjoy sitting down each morning writing it. Yes sometimes you are running around all over the place and think you don’t have time to, but you can always find five or ten minutes to stop and write it. Last year showed me that. Sometimes they are very short and other times longer but that's ok, just take the time to do it.

We put the competition out yesterday to win a year's supply of Toffee Vodka Liqueur, we have done it differently because Facebook have strict criteria on what you can and cannot do, so this time all you have to do is sign up to our newsletter, we have never written a newsletter and if you have signed up, don’t worry we won’t start sending you loads of spam emails. When you sign up you receive a 10% discount code of your next order as a thank you for signing up. People started using this yesterday so thank you to those who have taken us up on this offer, we will pack the orders off today and get them out to you. I will use the newsletter from time to time to send you offers and information on new products etc but it will be on an ad-hoc basis.

We are still playing around on TikTok and the making vodka video has gone a little crazy, with over half a million views and still climbing, I have no idea where it will take us, but I will carry on posting on there. My ultimate aim as with all our social media is to show the world what we do, how we do it and then let people decide if they want to try our products, I leave that part up to them, so thats what I am doing there. 

I have to say another thank you for the continued support, without it we simply don’t have a business, we are not allowed to ask on the competition post to share it, but i can on here, sharing and liking our posts gets us heard out there and helps us so much.

Right off to a meeting in a warmed up caravan

Catch you later

Ant x




Good to be back