
Good morning!

Friday is here.. Wow what another great week its been

We are fully prepared for the weekend ahead.

We have completed the apple brandy so will let you know when they will have it for sale

We had a fantastic time yesterday at Burn Valley Vineyard, they have a fantastic set up, lovely wines and just genuinely decent people with a real passion for what they do. We took some wine away with us and put it in both shops and before we got back to the distillery we had sold our first bottle. What an amazing feeling!

We can now start looking ahead a little further, so will be working on our offering on some very large county shows coming up later in the month.

We have the Taster evening coming up, tickets are still available. We will be holding one of these throughout the school holidays, we are thinking every Thursday night, but will confirm this shortly.

As we have wrote previously there are always speedbumps in the road, there has been this week but with the momentum we have created we tend to get over these much quicker these day. We wrote about consistency yesterday, well now we have created this level of momentum it's down to us to keep it up.. If we manage to do so, then who knows where it will take us. That's the exciting part.

We couldn't do it without the support of our followers, so again thank you!

Off to a meeting.. Might be the day for a cooked breakfast

Catch you later!



