
Good morning!

I said last Tuesday I would personally instead of as Fenspirits so here goes..

Firstly a massive thank you for the comments last week, I really do appreciate the support that I receive. I try really hard to not take anything for granted so when people have taken the time out of their day to read what I have written means alot to me and to then comment so positively is touching.

I hope if you have followed the blog you will realise that I am just a guy having a go in the crazy world we live in, trying to play my part in making it a better place. I truly believe that you can change the world and it starts with helping just one person at a time. The ripple effect when you do this is unbelievable. When I say help someone it is with no agenda apart from being kind, there is nothing worse than seeing someone give out a hand of kindness whilst taking a picture of them doing it, saying look at me look at me! That really gets me on a rant…Those that have followed for a long time will know I love a good rant! It's good to get it off your chest, I’ve just found myself live on the internet chatting away and before I even know it i am  properly going for it!

I have plenty of quirks, things that if you didn’t know me you would think what on earth!! I find it funny when the girls at work talk, if they are chatting to their friends outside of work and say things like ‘I made him a coffee and he took one look at it and poured it down the sink’ or ‘he took us all for breakfast and refused to let me have avocado on toast!’ (Michelle tries every now and then). Their friends must think I am a monster, or some kind of dictator, which I have said many times online ‘I am a dictator, the shed is not a democracy, my rules etc’. I do actually listen to the team, but as they know timing is everything, if there is something stressful going on and needs to be sorted, that is not the time to be asking me ‘shall we make a strawberry and cream drink for wimbledon?’ (hey Gema??) But I do listen to them and when my head is clear we sit and discuss it. 

As we have evolved as a business and a team we have all learnt, I have had to learn to let go of certain things, which has been hard because those are the things I love doing. My favourite part is being in the still room, distilling, making products, bottling and waxing. That is now Gema’s domain and she is bloody brilliant at it, but I can’t help myself so I will say ‘I’ll help you in the still room today’ Well, you should see her face, the others are laughing, I’m deadly serious about helping, Gema is trying to look pleased for the help, yet we all know I will probably do more harm than good. I think bull in a china shop is the term… I do the same with Karen, Katie and Michelle. You should see Michelle's face when I say we can do a certain show together!! 

I have plenty of quirks, things that have to be a certain way, no idea where they came from but here are a few very random ones

  • Always put the milk in first then the coffee, I can tell if its the other way around

  • When wearing a tie (love a tie!) has to be at least a half windsor knot

  • When I meet a couple at a show, if they both are having a sample then fella’s always pass the first sample to the lady 

  • Everyone stops work at 12 for lunch, even if you are not having lunch, everything stops

  • Avocado on toast is not a cooked breakfast

I'll write some more quirks next week, the list is endless and I am sure the girls will remind me of many more

So have a great day

Ant - A man in a shed


Just smile!

