A success!

Good morning!

It's Monday and it's a new week (stating the obvious I know!)

The ‘Bloody’ baubles went on sale Friday night, we had no idea what to expect, lots of comments in advance were they will sell out in minutes etc, sometimes this happens and sometimes it doesn’t. I have written about this before. When launching a new product, you have to set realistic expectations. What is a successful launch, if something doesn’t sell out does that mean its a failure. We had several conversations about this beforehand and to be honest of they sell out in minutes it would actually cause a lot of stress and put immense pressure on what we are doing between now and Christmas. What happened was perfect for us, we sold plenty of units straight away, we had lots of fun seeing which colour was preferred, gold or silver. It became a running joke all over the weekend, silver was way ahead and then gold caught up, ending up quite even. It made for a good laugh over the weekend. 

So this morning we have plenty of orders to pack off and send out, so thank you to everyone who did order, you will receive them by the end of the week.

The way that they did sell means that we can produce more this week, keep them topped up online and also get a decent amount of stock out to the shops and start taking them out to shows. 

We are back at the pumpkin patch Thursday through to Sunday so will take some sets with us.

Thankfully the rain finally stopped, Friday was non stop rain, everything got soaked.

It's cold now though so it's time to start burning the heads to keep the shed a little warmer. For those that don’t know, when we distill our neutral spirit the first part that comes off is what we call heads, its acetone, we collect this first and put it to one side. This means that the heart of the spirit is super smooth, if you get some heads in with the heart of the spirit it creates that burn that you get. One of the benefits of separating it is we can then use it for warmth, we have some bioethanol heaters which you simply fill up with the liquid and light it. Being in a shed it won’t get super warm but it takes the edge off it. If you see our instagram stories you will see it in action.

Right best get on it, lots of orders to pack off…after the meeting of course

Catch you later

Ant x




Bloody Bauble Day!