Bloody Bauble Day!

Good morning!

Its Friday!!!! Its also ‘Bloody’ Bauble Day!

The heavy rain woke me up around 1am, and guess what, the first thing that came to mind at that ridiculous time was baubles…Not anything bad, just ‘ping’ its bauble day, so I ended sitting outside under cover listening to the rain drinking a decaff coffee. This often happens when something is on my mind, good or bad and I have found it works for me to have a decaff coffee and then go back to sleep, thankfully I did because I have a busy day today.

Yesterday was a good day, both workwise and in my head, many people around me were having not so good days, not drastic bad days, just one of those days, that the time to cheer them up in anyway you can, I was asked are you always positive and up, the answer is no, not at all, but they do the same for me, whether they know it or not. It usually involves just listening to me having a bit of a moan and instead of just saying things like cheer up, what have you got to be miserable for, or one of the worse things I think you can say ‘there's always someone worse off’, they don't. They just listen, then we end up somehow or another laughing at something and you suddenly feel better. Or they do something kind for you, it can be something very small, like make you a coffee etc and suddenly the cloud lifts. So hopefully they all have a better day today, and if they don’t then that's ok too because we will find something to laugh about etc

Having great people around you is definitely what makes a difference, because we all have shitty days. Especially when you are trying to achieve something and you keep getting knocked back etc..I find it funny and not in a laughing way,  how when you have good news or something amazing happens, you will always find someone or something that will try and take the icing off your bun. Good people around you won’t let that happen.

Its absolutely pouring down here, it's quite nice hearing it on the shed roof, but not so nice when you have to go outside. But hey ho, raincoat and hat is on.

In amongst all the talk of the bloody baubles, we have another new product which will be ready today, the Christmas Pudding Rum Liqueur. We tasted it yesterday and its ready to be bottled, which will be first thing this morning and will go on our website later today. It will be in 20cl bottles, ideal to place on your table on Christmas day, pour some on your Christmas pudding as you eat it, or have a small glass alongside. It tastes just like Christmas! 

Right I best get my arse in gear, I have baubles to put into fiddly boxes!

Off to a meeting first!

Catch you later

Ant x


A success!

