
Good morning!

It's warmed up again! This weather is bonkers, an awful storm last night and now warm and dry this morning! No wonder there are lots of colds around at the moment..

The new girl did well yesterday, it was good to have Gema back, she didn’t seem too overwhelmed by the state of the shed so that's good, I had to kick her out of the still room until after our meeting though. We ran through what's been happening and what needs to be done and then just got on with it. 

We made some progress on the ‘bloody baubles’ and the first 100 sets will be on sale Friday evening as I said and then will be ready to be posted out on Monday. 

We will be getting some fresh apple juice next week so we can start the production of the ‘Bloody Mulled Gin’, just something else to add to the list that needs to be done, but we are experienced now in making it in larger batches. 

Thank you for the comments about yesterday’s blog, if it helped one person then that's great! 

There are lots of questions to be answered on the post with the baubles on and I will go through them this morning.

It will be interesting to see how they go Friday night, like other new products we have no idea, that's why we make a batch to put them out there, we are then geared up to make more and make them quickly, but we cannot just make say 1000 units and then hope that they sell, if they don’t then we are stuck with bloody baubles and I don’t think people will want them at Easter or in the summer, then again we sell brollies on sunny days! In the past when things have gone absolutely mental, Mulled Gin selling out in minutes, The Platinum Kits doing the same, we end up with a barrage of emails and messages complaining we should make more etc., if this was possible we would. It blows my mind when these things go that crazy and it's amazing, but boy does it get stressful! So let's see what happens Friday and if they go well we will ramp things up!

We have now got many different Christmas gift packs in our Hunstanton store, some of our suppliers have there own packs which we have now got so if you want some beer or James for example in a Christmas pack pop in there and have a look.

Right I best get to it…

Off to a meeting!

Catch you later

Ant x


Bloody Bauble Day!


Crazy enough?