Crazy enough?

Good morning!

Another good day yesterday, we chipped away bottling etc and made plenty of progress. 

We spent a little bit of time getting tidied up for the new girl today…

This is the third time I have tried to write something.. Slept like a log last night and was even woken by the alarm which is very rare, this has put me in a very chilled out zone to the point I had no idea what to type/write. Its a great feeling…So when this happens I have two choices, not write anything or simply just start writing, so after a nice dog walk that's what I am doing. 

This reminds me of when people ask me about starting a new business or doing something new and I always say just start. You start with a vision of what you want to achieve, write it down, put it out there, tell someone you are close to. Be careful who you tell it to, because lots of people will shut you down before you have even started, but the right people will support you. They won’t necessarily see the vision you have, or totally understand it, they don’t need to, only you will fully see it, but the right people will say go for it. 

I have been fortunate enough to work with some people that have come to me with an idea and have helped them on there journey and seen them flourish. Whats the worse that can happen, it doesn’t go the way you want it to, but it eventually will, it just won’t be a smooth journey getting there, and if it is then your vision wasn’t big enough so think of a bigger one. 

Steve jobs famously siad “ the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, do!”..that is very true. This open or some would call it crazy mindset is exactly what is needed to have a go at something. The world that can be changed is your world and you have no idea who you can influence or affect just one person at a time just by having a go.

I have said a lot recently that life is too short, I think it's the age I am at, life really is too short, so I have my vision of what I would like to achieve in my life and I will chip away every day to achieve it. Especially through the rough days when you have to grind it out. 

So from having no idea what to write about, now I have, it has cleared my mind and I will get back to it..working towards what I want to achieve.

Right off to a meeting with the new girl!

Catch you later

Ant x




Tidy Up!