Balancing Act!

Good morning!

We have to check each morning what day it is and we can confirm it's Wednesday..That's the joys of bank holidays, we had a little look forward in the calendar and there are quite a few coming up.

We spent most of the day yesterday getting sorted after the weekend. This wasn’t a five minute job, stuff was everywhere but a few hours later everything was put away and then the planning started.

We have to balance our focus between today, this week and the following few weeks, which is not always an easy task. It starts with what needs to be done today, that's a priority, then we look at what we have coming up this week, is there anything that needs to be done today for the rest of the week and then finally what's happening next week etc 

This is vital as we are a distillery that ferments and distils from scratch, yesterday we looked at stocks, what are we low on and what needs to be produced. We constantly have products which are infusing as we only use real fruits and these take time to develop in flavour. However we have to ensure we have the raw spirit ready to do this. To have enough spirit available we have to distil it, whether that be vodka, gin or rum. To be able to distil it we need to have fermented the raw material, sugar from sugar beet to produce vodka (which then is redistilled into Gin) or sugar cane molasses to produce rum. The fermentation takes time, roughly 7 days to ferment from the day we added the yeast. So it's these types of things we work on each day when looking ahead especially as we have a lot of shows coming up and become busier. 

Some people will say, just make more, or have more in stock, that is something that a large company can do, but for a small distillery like ours it's not possible, space, time and cash flow all prevent this from happening. What we can do which is one of the advantages of being small is be very reactive and turn things around very quickly. 

So today we are going to put more fermentation on, which will then be distilled next week, which will then eventually be turned into various products, the most popular at the moment are Toffee Vodka Liqueur and the Pink Gin. 

So off to the meeting, catch you later!




Show Diary!