Bangers and Mash!

Good morning!

WInter is certainly here!! Having to defrost the truck first thing…

It was good to be back in the shed yesterday, its great to go out selling at shows but its also great to get back, but it can also be quite overwhelming being back working out what you need to do first. I got the van unloaded before the meeting then we had the meeting in the caravan with the heater on and the pups joined us. Having two labradors sat on you is a fantastic source of heat. We then had a good catch up before working out what needs to be done before tomorrow loading up for the weekend shows. 

After the travels and shows I was exhausted and I get a lot of comments saying look after yourself, I certainly do, its difficult to eat decent food when away, even if you go out for meals its not the same as home cooked food, but after a decent meal and a great nights sleep last night I am good to go again.

Today and tomorrow are super full on, lots of bottling, labeling and then loading of vans, hopefully not forgetting something important but as all the shows are pretty local it will be ok. We have found that the smaller events have been incredible this year, many of the larger Christmas shows have been canceled but the public have come out and really supported these smaller events which is fantastic for smaller businesses like ours. Its very much appreciated.

I was having a chat early this morning with a friend who also runs a small business. Everyone I know has said it was a tough year . It certainly has but you just have to keep going. We ended up with Chumbawumba Tubthumping playing in the background, the line, I get knocked down but I get back up again was blasting away…we both had a great laugh about this. I have great people close to me who all have the same mentality, they keep going, I find this really inspirational, it doesn’t mean we don't have rough days, days when you think what's the point, or you think you have gone backwards and not making progress, but you still keep going through these days, get up the next day and keep going, that's where the progress gets made. These people know who they are, and thank you, because that mentality is infectious and certainly rubs off on me. Its in these moments that the little things make all the difference, sausage and mash and a great nights sleep then I’m ready to take on the world again!

Im now off to take the pups for a walk before the meeting, the pups don’t care about the weather they just get on with it, wagging their tails and rolling around in the grass, so when its cold like this thats what I shall do, just get on with it, not the wagging my tail and I am definitely not going to roll around in the grass!

Catch you later

Ant x


Snow is falling!


Short & Sweet