Snow is falling!

Good morning!

Brrrrr its even colder today, we had a small flurry of snow overnight. If you see our instagram story you will see how pretty it looks coming into the shed in the fens, looks very Christmassy!

We had a great day yesterday getting lots bottled, waxed and labeled, lots of progress despite the cold conditions, by the early afternoon it even felt warmish in the shed, that soon changed when it started getting darker and the temperature drops!

Today is all about getting ready for the weekend shows, we are at Springfield Spalding tomorrow, Louth Christmas market and March Christmas market on Sunday. They are predicting snow on Sunday, so yes it will be cold but it will also look magical, really looking forward to it, thermals are at the ready!

We are about halfway through the Christmas show madness and so far so good, the shows are going well, stocks are holding up and being replenished daily. Bloody Mulled Gin will be back online later today, we will be making one more batch next week and then that will be it for this year. Mentally and physically we are doing ok, you can get a little jaded at times, but its normal for this time of the year, it has to be done because come January nothing will be happening and bills still need to be paid. 

Its the first day for the Advent Calendars so to everyone who has one we hope you enjoy them over the next 24 days, there are some new ones in there for you to try!

I know I keep saying it, but a massive thank you to everyone who supports our business, it really is appreciated, without you we don’t have a business.

Right best get to it, meeting with coffee in the caravan first, which has a heater so lovely and toasty!

Catch you later!

Ant x


Hello Mue!


Bangers and Mash!