Hello Mue!

Good morning!

It's Monday morning, wet and cold..But that is not bothering me right now as I sit in the shed in the fens writing this. I had a wonderful weekend, in fact a bloody brilliant weekend all round, from start to finish. Friday was a bonkers day getting everything ready for the shows but we got through it fully prepared. 

I had a relaxing Friday evening before setting off to Springfields at Spalding early on Saturday, we were inside the exhibition centre there which I had never been in, it was a lovely location, I was next door to my friends from Birdhouse Brewery Rae and Sam and we had a fun day. I got to meet lots of people that follow us and they came and said hello which was great, it was a fantastic event from start to finish. As it was local it meant a quick get away at 5 and then I could enjoy a relaxing evening, a great sleep and then get ready for March on Sunday morning.

We got there at 8 am to set up, my pitch was literally on its own as people had left their cars overnight where my pitch was supposed to be. I wasn’t impressed but there was nothing anyone could have done about it, so we got set up in the cold and rain ready for a busy day. 

Gema and Sarah were on the way to Louth in horrible snowy conditions, but they made it in time, the weather in the one thing no one can control.

I had a great day at March, again I met lots of people that follow us, saw lots of Fenspirits bobble hats and even a brolly! Was very cool to see. 

A couple of highlights were Bobbie and her parents came to see us, I met them during lockdown and have kept in touch through our facebook page, Bobbie is following her dreams at college and is an amazing chef, my claim to fame is she won our toad in the hole competition, and I still say when she is a famous chef we will be coming to her restaurant and even if toad in the hole is not on the menu, thats what I will be ordering! It really was amazing to see the transformation in her from when I met her a few years ago.

Then I saw a lovely lady wearing a black Fenspirits bobble hat, and I said hello, nice hat and she introduced herself as Mue! Bloody hell, I thought, I was having banter on Fridays live with her about visiting us, and she got her husband and little dog to drive 3 hours to come and say hello! It was amazing to meet her and she is exactly how she comes across on the lives, a lovely lady, so thank you Mue and hubby, was amazing to meet you.

We were packed up on time and as its so local we then had the rest of the afternoon and evening to ourselves, we went out for a walk which was great, regardless of the rain, to have a walk after standing all day was the perfect tonic, a wonderful relaxing night, a great sleep and now ready to go again. 

Today is all about sorting out from the weekend, seeing where we are and what we need to do for the rest of the week. I also have an event tonight, a Mcmillan Cancer support evening being held in Spalding, starting at 6pm. I'll post the details later today.

I will never stop saying it, thank you, I get very humbled by the support we receive and its not something I will ever take for granted.

I hope you are enjoying your advent calendars, I have been spoiled with a chocolate one and enjoyed my chocolate early this morning!

Right best get my arse in gear and then off to a meeting

Oh and for those of you wondering, the girls beat me a Louth so I have to buy the breakfast, well done ladies, you bossed it!

Catch you later

Ant x


Tuesday not Wednesday


Snow is falling!