
Good morning!

Autumn certainly feels like it's here..I thought Sunday afternoon was bad packing up in the thunderstorm, well we had another one yesterday just as I was leaving to go home. It absolutely poured down again, I felt sorry for the people walking who got caught in it, totally soaked through, just like we were Sunday. I saw plenty of school kids who were loving life, splashing away in puddles, drenched, I could imagine their parents' faces when they got in. It's a big lesson though, despite pouring with rain and getting soaked through, you can still have a laugh, that's exactly what we did Sunday, you can’t control the weather and you will soon dry out. Slightly different if it had been freezing cold though, that is simply miserable, nothing a hot shower doesn’t sort though.

I think Autumn is my favourite season, on the dog walk this morning, it was beautiful, seeing the sun come up across the fields, the different colour leaves on the trees and the pups loving life running around rolling in the grass. It really is the simple things..I use this time first thing to just stand and look around and appreciate the little things, I have read lots on this type of thing and they say it's about being present, in the moment. It's great for the mind, clears away all the noise that goes on in your head and allows you to appreciate what you have. 

We had a busy day yesterday at the shed in the fens. It's a balance between doing what needs to be done today/this week as well as planning the next few months. They really are a crucial time for us, so we have to try and get it right. 

We spent some time sorting out the Christmas Baubles, we are having some packaging designed and made to hold three baubles. They will contain Toffee Vodka, Caramel Rum and Christmas Gin, 50 ml of each and can be hung on your tree. Available in either silver or gold. I will keep you updated on these as we go.

As I said yesterday, the advent calendars will go on our website today for pre-order, these will be shipped in November, in time for 1st of December.

That's enough of Christmas for now, we need to focus on this week and the next few weeks. October used to be a quiet time for us, but we have plenty of shows this year and the shops will be open throughout, plus the cafe/bar.

We also have a few tasting nights coming up and Gema reminded me yesterday we need to get sorted for these, so we will be doing what needs to be done for these today. Time is flying by so they will be with us in no time. The first one is a Rum tasting night, so we will be working out the ins and outs of this. For those of you who have followed us for a while, you know we like to have a rough plan for these things and then go with the flow during the night. I am really looking forward to this one, there will be people who are close to me coming to see me speak for the first time, so pressure is on, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Right best get my arse in gear..

Off to a meeting, catch you later!

Ant x


QVC Style!

