QVC Style!

Good morning!

Had to double check but its Thursday..definitely Thursday today

The days become a bit of a blur, probably an age thing.

We had a good day yesterday, the studying of the QVC shopping channel helped..we sold some advent calendars! It was a laugh on the live, attempting to be like those on the channel, inside I laugh so hard, because I can only imagine what it looks like for someone who has never seen one of our lives popping on at that point and thinking what on earth is this! The comments on the live are great and they always take me down other avenues and randomness which is great fun. You can’t and shouldn't take yourself too seriously, especially on a Facebook Live. Can you imagine trying to be all corporate there, it simply wouldn’t work and it would be pretty boring. I will give it a go at some point, but I can imagine it will last about a minute before someone says something and then off we go again!! It's great fun.

Thank you to everyone who ordered a calendar, they will be shipping in November. 

I had a chat this morning with a good friend of mine, who thinks and operates similarly to myself. We were discussing what I wrote yesterday about taking some time out of your day to just stop for a few minutes and look around and appreciate whats around you and what you have. Its so easy to get caught up in going a million miles an hour and feeling like you are not getting anywhere. Its one of the big positive things for me writing this, it makes me each morning stop and think, to think about what we achieved yesterday and what we have to do today. It clears all the noise for a few minutes and makes you focus. 

I run on a Wednesday evening with my friend Paul, we have a great time, plodding along and putting the world to rights, this is something that is very important to me, both physically and mentally. Plus after I get to eat loads, after all you have to fuel yourself! 

It doesn’t mean that everyday is a good day, far from it, I have days where I think its too much, or what's the point, or just a crappy day but I have far less of them, mainly because I take time out of my day to stop, think and recognise what I do have, appreciate what I have and I have incredible people close to me who give me the lift when needed and give me a purpose for what I do each day. There are plenty of people out there who love to see people not succeed, but you don’t have to worry about them, just look for the ones who are cheering you on, they are the important ones. 

So today is more of the same, bottling, labelling and planning ahead. The Christmas show calendar is coming along nicely.

The Christmas spirit rum liqueur is nearly ready, made a small tweak, will taste that today and if it's good we will make a larger batch and get it out there.

Right enough of my ramblings..

Off to a meeting!

Catch you later

Ant x


Starts with a plan!

