Starts with a plan!

Good morning!

It's Friday….

It has been a bit of a run around morning before evening getting to the shed in the Fens, its all good though. This can sometimes throw me a little as I am definitely a creature of habit and like my routines, but that's where sitting down and writing this resets me and gets me ready for the day.

Firstly it is a beautiful morning out there, it was very dark when I went out earlier but seeing the sun come up is lovely and now there are beautiful blue skies. The shorts have been put away until next year, it's definitely jeans weather now.

We sold more advent calendars yesterday, it is very early to be thinking about ordering them so thank you to everyone who has, as I said on the post yesterday about them, last year lots of people contacted us late November to say they hadn’t realised we were doing them, even though we had posted about them several times. That's the joy of the Facebook algorithm, it changes all the time and they restrict who sees what etc, hence asking people to share the post, this is not pushy selling, just making people aware of them.

We have received several requests about the whole corporate gifts at Christmas, which is great, so we will be working through these behind the scenes to see what happens.

The shops are both doing well, people are going into Hunstanton Christmas shopping already, the Christmas Gin in there is popular! We will have this available on our website from October. 

It feels like things are bubbling away nicely, ready to go boom and then we will be right in the middle of the crazy time, where you don’t know the difference between your head and your arse at times, but we love it like that, full on! Hold on to your hats and get through it..

We are hoping to have a good October in terms of getting prepped for November and December, but as we all know, you make a plan and then it can quickly go out the window, but its far better to start with a plan than not at all. 

Right I best get my backside in gear..

Off to a meeting!

Catch you later!

Ant x




QVC Style!