
Good morning!

It's Monday morning, a new week and a busy one ahead. After a great weekend, being outside, the weather was amazing, especially for this time of the year. There is something amazing about being outside, surrounded by trees and seeing the sun come up. I find it very calming, I think it's the simplicity of it, listening to the birds first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee. Happy Days.

Then last night we had crazy storms during the night. I didn’t see the lightning but I heard the rain and thunder and ended up sitting outside around 2am watching it. The pups are not bothered about thunder at all so they sat with me.

Despite that it is a beautiful morning, the dogs are rather muddy after their walk and Ralf loves rolling around in wet grass.

Now its time to focus on what needs to be done today, lots of emails to go through and reply to, bottles to fill, wax and label. I need to chase up the baubles, hopefully they will be with us by the end of the month. We had a laugh about them, we have gone for 50% silver tops with silver ribbons and 50% with gold tops and gold ribbons. Not my idea, when it comes to making things look pretty that's definitely not one of my strong points!! You only have to look at the stand when I set it up, a friend of mine commented on I should iron my table runner, this made me laugh, I probably should, can’t promise I will though, I usually remember at the last minute to actually take one and just chuck it in the box, hence it looks like it does! 

We have lots to get sorted today behind the scenes, just the usual stuff which is not glamorous or exciting but its the things that have to be done. People often comment on how its exciting and fun working here, yes it is, I love what we do, but its easy to only see the fun stuff, the other things that need to be done, like washing out 200l fermenting barrels in the freezing cold or in the rain with ice cold water is as far from glamorous as it gets, but weirdly I enjoy those bits. They need to be done so its good to just get them done. Trawling through hundreds of emails etc is not fun, in amongst them will be new enquiries or trade orders etc, which are great, but the majority of them are people selling things to us or random mailing lists reaching out to us which I have no idea how we have got onto them. I have been asked in the past why we don’t email our customers, the quick answer is I can’t stand receiving classic marketing emails so I’m certainly not going to write one myself. The business guru’s would say you should do this, but they would also say we should not do a lot of what we do, so we will carry on doing things the way we do.

If people want to purchase our products or visit our shops then they will decide that themselves, we will just keep telling the world what we are doing and how we do things. We are all adults so we can make our own decisions if we want to buy something. Just as long as you know when you do its appreciated, buying our products or one of the other products in our shops means we can keep going through these tough times and you are not only supporting our business but also other small businesses. 

Right off to a meeting..

Catch you later!

Ant x


Mini rant!


Starts with a plan!