Mini rant!

Good morning!

Its fresh out there, this weather is barmy, beautiful sunshine at the weekend, massive thunderstorms, loads of rain yesterday and now chilly…Definitely jeans, shirt and jumper time.

Did you see our post attempting to sell brollies, this is typical of us, really made ourselves laugh with that one, and guess what?  Didn’t sell a single brolly, that made us laugh even more 😂. The comments were brilliant, I absolutely love the fun these types of posts create. During difficult times for everyone, odd moments to laugh at really can change the day. 

I have moments like this often, it's good to have a chat and a rant about whatever challenge has come your way and you can then find something funny to laugh about and you end up laughing so hard at something that you soon forget what it was that got you revved up in the first place. 

If people think that I go through my day with no moments of anger or frustration, if you think every day is a positive one where everything goes smoothly you are very mistaken. Things happen all the time which are designed to test you, people go out of their way to try and bring you down. Its sad, what happened to the lessons we learnt or should have learnt through the lockdowns. Community spirit, helping someone who is less fortunate than you, walking past someone out walking and simply saying hello or good morning. 

It's something that really gives me the pip, trying to bring someone down because they are having a go or simply doing the best they can. Nobody knows what anyone else is going through and they have no idea how a comment good or bad can massively affect someone's day. 

This is not aimed at me or anyone in fact, its just a written rant…

Life can be very cruel and life is far too short to act like this. Just be kind, what’s that saying, if you have nothing good to say, say nothing. I don’t pretend to be perfect or have all the answers but this is a very simple statement and easy to put in practice. If someone has achieved a goal or passed a challenge and you cannot simply say well done, or I am proud of you, just say nothing, don’t diminish what they have done etc

Right got that off my chest, now back to work stuff…

We are having the Christmas bauble packaging designed today, you will be pleased to know that someone who is good at this stuff is doing it, not me! So it will look pretty and fancy etc

As it’s got cold I might have to start advertising the sun glasses, probably fly off the shelves.

We have finalised the recipe for the Christmas spirit liqueur so will make a large batch of that, we tasted it yesterday and we are super happy with it. Drink it with your Christmas pudding or pour some over it. 

Right off to a meeting

Catch you later

Ant x


Natural Talent!

