Natural Talent!

Good morning!

It's Wednesday, its half way through the working week, and its going to be a good day! Despite the wind blowing a gale out there, thankfully we are not standing on a stall today getting blown away! You can deal with all other weather but wind like this when on a stall is not good, many a time I have been standing holding my gazebo down, gripping on tight whilst trying to pour a sample single handed, which is not easy at the best of times, especially when your arms shake like mine.

Yesterday was a fun day, which started with going on live on Facebook, the mega phone came out, we tried a different sales pitch, which was basically telling people to buy our Christmas Baubles, despite not having them yet…It worked though, we sold a load of brollies! If the sales of them keeps up we will have to make a decision if we order more or not. We will see how it goes.

I spoke with the designer who is doing the artwork for the bauble box, this is definitely not an area I am good at. The brief went, here is the drawing of the box, can you make it look pretty and christmassy…lets see what they come up with!

We also went and got some lemons, lots of lemons and started making the next batch of lemon liqueur. We have to peel the lemons by hand and then infuse the peel in high strength vodka. I have no idea why or how but I am great at peeling lemons, it's one of those jobs I really enjoy yet everyone else can’t stand it. So if it all goes wrong here I will be adding that to my CV, bloody good at peeling lemons, there must be a demand out there for that skillset.

We don’t have any shows this weekend, so this week is all about fulfilling wholesale orders and packing brollies! Gema has got brolly packing down to a fine art!

We are going through the show calendar today to plan the rest of the year, allocating who is doing what show etc, it's certainly quite the jigsaw puzzle. There is a three week window towards the end of November and the beginning of December when it's absolutely crazy. We will be looking for some casual staff to help at the shed in the Fens to assist with production. 

We also put the quiz info out there. I had a little practice with the kazoo yesterday, the team here loved that, I sent out a video of me playing My Way to see if I still got it, I can confirm I clearly have! Their response was, please stop playing that thing, I have no idea what song that was…so yup, still got that natural musical talent. It will be easy on the quiz because they will all be Christmas songs.

Right off to a meeting! 

Catch you later

Ant x


Blah Blah Blah!


Mini rant!