Blah Blah Blah!

Good morning!

Thankfully the rain has stopped, a good job really because we have sold out of brollies, will have to get some ordered..

Yesterday was another good day, getting things sorted and planning ahead. We are waiting to hear from the designer regarding the packaging for the baubles. 

We had some fun on facebook again yesterday, I did some trials for the Christmas Quiz. Thank you to everyone who came on and joined in, it was just like the old quizzes, lots of banter and rowing straight off the bat. I'll put my champagne on ice so it will be super chilled for the 15th! 

More of the same today, Gema has more brollies to pack off, more orders to process and will probably pop on live to keep you updated on what's going on. 

If you remember a couple of weeks ago I wrote about the shift in words in my head, from hoping it would be a good day to I will make it a good day. I have been practising this every morning before coming to work, its very easy to slip back into that mindset of hoping it will be, instead I make myself say I’ll make it a good one. It has had a profound effect on me, despite dealing with the challenges that life chucks at you throughout the day, venting and ranting when required, I end the day reflecting what's happened throughout the day and it definitely works. Just being grateful for the little things in life which mean you go to sleep in a good place. Although last night we ran 5 miles in the rain and wind and after a hot shower I had a whisky and fell asleep far too early, but lesson learnt, maybe have a few glasses of water to rehydrate before enjoying the whisky in future! I say that but will probably forget next time and do the same…

We have our Rum tasting night next week at the March Conservative club, I am really looking forward to this, I spent some time reminding myself about the history of Rum and started making notes. I see the increase in british rums and many people promoting there rum, absolutely no idea if they even make it. But I am still and always be super proud that we make ours from scratch, fermenting molasses before distilling and then infusing etc, this means when I stand up in one of these talks and talk about it, I am confident, because we actually do it. I couldn’t stand there talking about something like that otherwise, plus at this talk some special people close to me are coming who have never seen me in action at one of these, so pressure is on to deliver…I say that but I cannot be anything other than myself, so it will go as all the others go, into carnage with lots of fun and laughter and people learning something by the end of it. The aim is for everyone to leave and go home saying they have had a great night and it was worth every penny. Also I imagine saying thinks like ‘he’s a bit out there!!’ but i will take that…who wants to hear a boring talk with me just going blah blah blah, buy my products, they are the best, blah blah blah…

So if you are coming to it, I look forward to seeing you next Friday!

Right best get to the meeting

Catch you later

Ant x


Baubles incoming!


Natural Talent!