Baubles incoming!

Good morning! 

It's Friday, I always take a few minutes to reflect on the week just gone, what progress has been made, what good things have happened and not so good things. Its been a good week for many reasons, it doesn’t mean that there have not been challenging moments, there always are, but it's how you deal with these when they happen, that makes all the difference. 

Getting up everyday and doing what needs to be done, regardless of if you want to or how you feel about them, that's where the progress is made. 

We have had confirmation that the baubles are on the way to us, it will be good to see them properly to work out exactly how they can be filled, we will keep you updated. I am personally very excited by them, it's something new that we have never done before. The packaging is currently being designed so we should have some ideas on paper early next week. Like previous new products, they start with an idea, you have a good go at making them the best you can and then you put them out there. Will they be a success, who knows, but as I have found in the past, you cannot predict how these things will go, but as we always do, we price them as reasonably as we can and then let the public decide if they want to buy them. It will be amazing to see photos of them hanging on people's tree’s! That gives me a huge buzz and makes the risk and hard work worthwhile. Hopefully by reading this it gives the reader an understanding of how these things come together, especially in a small business like ours, you have an idea, you commit to it without knowing how you will put it together, but with great people in place it comes together and then gets put out there!

That's exactly how the cafe/bar came together in Wells, that is getting busier and busier, people are loving the quality of the drinks and snacks and coming back regularly, this will only grow, as long as we maintain our standards. 

Karen has been busy sorting out the window display in Hunstanton, to an autumn theme, I will post some pictures of this later today, it looks great! 

Its certainly fresh as well as dark first thing in the morning, I noticed this morning whilst having my first cup of coffee outside that even the birds were still asleep. Was very still and quiet, thankfully the wind has dropped and the weekend is looking great. 

Right off to a meeting, have a great weekend and thank you for the continued support!

Catch you later

Ant x


Flying by!


Blah Blah Blah!