Flying by!

Good morning!

Hope you all had a good weekend. 

Its the last week of September, this month has flown by..

Usually October is a quieter month, but we have lots of events planned so it will be busy right up until mid December. 

We have been notified that the baubles are on the way, the should be with us on Friday, then the fun really begins. When I say fun, I mean working out the best way of filling them, a small jug and funnel will get very tedious after a while. We should have some packaging examples early this week, so as soon as they are approved they will go off to the box manufacturer. They typically take a couple of weeks to produce, so everything should be in place by the end of October. 

We should have final numbers today for Fridays Rum tasting, so we will be busy putting things together for that as well as reading up on our notes. We will be talking about the history of rum etc and have some fun facts. 

The shops were busy over the weekend, it bodes well, especially Hunstanton which is less busy now the school holidays are over. We had a walk around there yesterday and you can see the place is getting ready to shut down for the winter period. Lots of businesses stay open throughout the year, our shop will too, so if you visit the area and are looking for Christmas gifts or just topping up on your supplies we will be open. The window display is looking great too!

Well’s will remain open too throughout the winter period, as the weather is turning the coffees and cakes are going down well, people are popping in to get out of the rain and chill out, which is fantastic, we still get compliments on the quality of the Coffee and Tea. As a massive coffee fan myself it is very disappointing when you go to a coffee shop and the coffee is not up to scratch, so its great to hear that the public appreciate what we do and keep coming back.

We have an event on Saturday, the Gransden Show, which is based near Sandy, Cambridge. We have done it many times now, its one of these small events but has been going on for over a 100 years and is usually well attended with lots of things going on. Our friends from Birdhouse Brewery are there too, so it will be a fun day!

Right, off to a meeting!

Catch you later

Ant x




Baubles incoming!