
Good morning!

There is certainly a nip in the air!! 

We had a good day yesterday. We planned the Rum night, Gema came up with some ideas on the drink to serve when people arrive. We have made a white rum, we actually made it ages ago and have made it into a coconut rum. We then mixed it with pineapple juice and then topped off with grenadine. It's a beautiful drink and we look forward to seeing how it goes down.

We had a play with the bauble samples that arrived, I am super happy with how they look and it will be amazing to see them all packed up in the outer packaging. 

We also bottled off the lemon liquor which we made last week, peeling loads of lemons by hand is worth it, it's a great drink and very popular. It's similar to a Limoncello but not as sweet, it has a ‘twang’ to it!

So today is about restocking the shops and processing wholesale orders. We have had some new enquiries from some companies, one is from a local cathedral who wants us to stock our products in their gift shop with the cathedral logo on the label. This will be great for us so we are looking forward to seeing how that will go. 

We are also working with the co-op, the Caramel Rum has gone down well since it was launched in August, we have to start working on there Christmas orders soon, Toffee Vodka is very popular at Christmas and because we get super busy in November and December then we need to be working on it during October. 

Apart from all that, we will see what today brings. It will be a good day regardless, as I have said many many times, if you have got up and not pooped (I am being polite with that word!) the bed then it is a good day. We were laughing about this saying at the weekend and I was asked, what if I pooped the bed, my response was no problem, I’d hose you down, chuck everything in the bin, probably laugh my head off, and then it will be a good day. So even if you have pooped the bed…It's going to be a good day!

For those wondering, no I have never woken up in that kind of mess…

Right enough of that talk, I am off to a meeting!

Catch you later!

Ant x


The Pip!


Flying by!