The Pip!

Good morning!

For some reason yesterday I kept losing track of what day it was, no idea why, just sometimes happens..

Do you find you sometimes have days where things really annoy you, things that on any other day do not bother you at all, but for some reason they get to you. Yesterday was one of those, it could just be one comment on social media, or a post that you read or just something someone says, and boom!! It winds you up, or in my world gives me the pip! It was one of those days. Nothing went wrong, nothing bad happened or came my way whatsoever, actually I had a really good day, lots of great things happened, the weather was beautiful, we had some fun at the shed in the Fens, perfecting the drinks for Friday night. I was chatting about this last night and had a proper laugh about it, it seems everyone has the same, but its good to look back on the day and laugh about how daft it was letting these things bug you.Nothing wrong with letting them get to you, it's how you deal with it that matters. 

We have another tasting night coming up next week, Friday 6th at Little Thetford, near Ely, I will do a post about it later if anyone is interested, it will be similar to the one we did in the shop, where we taste the range of drinks we make. It created carnage in the shop at Hunstanton and was a fun night so it will be interesting to say the least how it will go with a much larger audience. Its like trying to herd cats when it's like that, certainly a challenge for me and one I look forward to!

The forward planning for the last 3 months of the year is coming together, it really is a big jigsaw puzzle.

We have had lots of messages asking about the coconut rum, yes we will be producing some for sale, we will take it out Friday, see how people like it and the response and then next week put some out for general sale. For those asking, it is a full strength rum, 40% abv, and of course the rum is produced by us. 

We had a play around with the bauble samples yesterday, hanging them from a tree, I loved the way it looked and I am very excited to see how they go and to then receive pictures of them on people's trees at Christmas. It's always given me a buzz and a great feeling knowing that lots of people give our products as Christmas presents and being opened and enjoyed. 

So today is more of the same, processing orders and sorting out the planning ahead etc

Right off to a meeting

Catch you later!

Ant x


Err Pineapple!

