Err Pineapple!

Good morning!

Thank you for those who came on the ‘live’ yesterday, it was a right laugh, especially the banter about pineapple on pizza or not, its one of those friendly things that always creates division, but in good spirits. Especially when my mum piped up she was a pineapple fan, if she carries on like this, first it was sunglasses, pineapple on pizza and now clearly team Gema, she will find herself on a 7 day ban!! Saying that Gema runs the page too, so would probably unblock her very quickly. 

It's a very lighthearted way to demonstrate that you can have opposite views on something and you don’t have to fall out. I see so many situations, especially online where if people have different opinions on a subject they end up having a full blown argument and start attacking each other over something trivial. It's good to have healthy discussions and debates, that's how we learn things, it's ok to agree to disagree on things, doesn’t mean we have to fall out. It seems the people close to me all like pineapple on pizza, I don’t, the solution is to either cut them out of my life (ha ha!) or simply buy two pizza’s!! Ill go buy two pizzas because I like having them in my life. Imagine disowning your mother over something like that! Doesn’t mean a short term temporary ban from the page isn’t on the cards, just to keep her on her toes!

I have just finished my dog walk, and I found the bauble with toffee vodka in my pocket, the one I had a few sips from on the live. If you saw it yesterday, I came up with a genius solution (if I do say so myself!) to them being too heavy for your tree, simply open them and have a few sips, if still too heavy, just have a few more until it hangs from the tree perfectly! I think some tree’s will have some empty baubles hanging from them. I have to say they make very good pocket hip flasks, I think I could get used to a nip first thing on my dog walk, especially when it gets very cold. 

We had the first design of the packaging back yesterday, looks amazing, a couple of tweaks and then it will be off to the printers.

We finished off the coconut rum yesterday so it is getting bottled ready for tomorrow night, we have to finish getting things ready for it today, as well as getting everything ready for the shows this weekend. We have two now, on Saturday we have the Gransden Show and on Sunday the Holbeach Farmers Market. I'll be at Gransden and Sarah will be at Holbeach, it would be unfair to have a competition between us as mine is a much bigger show, but life is not fair so bring it on Sarah, let's see how good you are! 

Right best get my arse in gear

Off to a meeting!

Catch you later

Ant x


Bum Nip!


The Pip!