Be Kind!

Good morning

Some of you might have already seen we went live on Facebook at 7am..

For those of you who didn’t follow us through the lockdowns etc this is something we did every day. Had a coffee and a catch up first thing in the morning, told some stories of what was going on, had some proper rants and just told people what we were doing on a daily basis. This then led onto more things like the weekly quizzes and bingo and challenges. 

For no reason other than intuition and feeling, this morning felt like this was needed, for us and as was mentioned on the live, if one person needed to hear that message today, then that is absolutely worth putting it out there. From the comments it seemed that some people did. 

Times are tough for everyone at the moment, yes there are some people not affected by what's going on in the world, but for the most part, things are tough. It's during this time we learnt so much a few years ago how to get through them. So that's what we will be doing..both on here and on our facebook page because we have a large audience and will be putting it out there.

What has it got to do with making booze and selling booze, nothing..We will continue to share our journey in the distilling world and shows, events and our shops etc but why not have some fun along the way online. So that's the plan.

We mentioned the power of laughter, it is so so true, if you can find something with someone to laugh about however bad things are its amazing how this can help. Lots of people are going through a torrid time, something hit us hard yesterday when someone simply said, thank you for cheering me up. That really hit home, they were not looking for someone to fix the problems, they were not looking for solutions, they were grateful for being cheered up. That was a powerful reminder for us, to take someone out of their discomfort and turmoil even for a few moments can really help. They are not looking for pity, they want a few moments to be treated normal, have a laugh and then they are more prepared to deal with whatever it is they need to deal with. Ultimately this comes back to Carloline Flacks (RIP) last post ‘Be Kind’, which started our journey through the pandemic and yesterday we have been reminded hard about this. 

So watch this space..

Have a good day




A bar!