A bar!

Good morning!

Thank you for the amazing support regarding the new venture.

I can write how I feel about it today as it's Tuesday.

My first feeling is excitement, having a bar has been one of my goals for a very long time, a place to go to and have a drink with my close ones and enjoy the feeling of pride which will come with that. Seeing other people in there enjoying themselves in somewhere we have created (when I say we it's because I don't do this on my own, it's a team effort) will be an incredible experience for me.

Then my next feeling is what on earth are you doing, how on earth are we going to make that happen, things are difficult at the moment, it's not the right time, we don’t have enough resources, time, money and experience to do this. But something inside tells me its the right thing to do, and needs to be done, so find a way. 

A friend recently said I thrive under pressure, most of the time I do, I’m ok with my own pressures but I struggle with unnecessary pressure from external sources.

I sometimes wake up in the middle of night and think why are you putting yourself through this. 

I had another chat recently, was asked why do you do it..this was my answer

I love what I do, I love creating something that I can be proud of and my family can be proud of and as I have said before, something my grandkids can look back on and say wow Grampy had a good go. 

I don’t consider myself a talented person, just a hard working man who is prepared to have a go and if I can then anyone else can.

I also enjoy seeing the people in the team learn and grow, Gema is a great example, in four years she has learnt so much and is a distiller. Not many people in the country can say they can distil vodka, gin, rum and whisky from scratch, she can. The same applies for everyone in the team, as the business grows they grow. 

My other answer was I am clearly unemployable ha ha! So what else would I be doing?

Each morning, like this morning, I get up, shake off the self doubt and work hard on making it a good productive day.

So again, thank you, lets see how it turns out on the 28th July when the cafe and bar opens, its certainly going to be a journey between now and then but bring it on!

Ant x


Be Kind!

