
Good morning!

It's Monday, a new week and it's going to be a good one, albeit a very busy one..

Thank you for the responses and lovely comments regarding the expansion in our Wells shop.

For those who have not seen it, the shop that is next to ours in Wells came up for rent a few months ago. We sat down with the landlord to discuss the possibility of taking it on, creating a hole in the wall and using the new premises for seating. We have the appropriate licences for serving alcohol so we could use this as a small bar in the evenings etc

Everything was agreed and signed and work has started. We are aiming to have it open Friday 28th July.

This is very exciting for us in our journey, is it the right time to be doing it? nope, do we have everything in place to do it? Nope, however we will find a way and we will get there. There is never a right time, but as previously discussed, sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and go for it. What's the worst that can happen, its a disaster and doesn’t work, even that is not the end of the world, we will learn so much along the way. 

So that's what we are doing, taking a leap of faith because if it becomes what we are hoping and planning it to become then it will certainly be worth it. 

One of the many challenges a new project brings is time and focus, thankfully we have a great team involved that can keep things going in all aspects of the business. 

We have lots to do at the Shed in the Fens this week, we have a 3 day show at the weekend, Weeting Steam Rally which is a great event, a proper old fashioned show.

We then have the big music festival next weekend so there's lots to do for that too!

Off to a meeting

Have a good day!


A bar!


Keep grinding it out