Keep grinding it out

Good morning!

It's Friday... The end of a challenging week

Firstly last night's gin tasting went very well, it was held in a lovely village hall, the set up was great. We really enjoyed it, lots of interactions and questions which always makes for a good evening.

As we always say at the beginning of them, they are designed for the people coming to have a fun evening, learn something, try lots of products and hopefully go home thinking that was value for money. What they are not is a sales pitch for Fenspirits. We simply let the product sell itself. That was the case last night, lots of laughter and when we went round at the end everyone said they enjoyed themselves. These evenings are one of the highlights of what we do, that personal interaction with people that have an interest in what we do. This more than makes up for a long day and being a little tired..

We have another one this evening, at JB Turners which is a farm shop a couple of miles away from the shed in the fens.

It's these moments that carry you through the tough challenges that you face, especially in these economic times.

As we wrote yesterday, they remind you why you do what you do and help keep you positive that things will work out as long as you keep going and keep putting yourself out there.

Many companies in all industries are closing their doors, especially in the drinks world which is very sad, here in the shed in the fens we are no different, we face the same constant battle as does every other business, but we will do what we have always done, work bloody hard, keep putting ourselves out there and grind it out during the tough times.

So that's what we have been doing this week, grinding it out.

We are now getting ready for tonights talk and lots of other things behind the scenes.

Thank you to everyone for the constant support, we really appreciate it, without people enjoying and purchasing our products, be it online, through our shops, at shows or in one of our outlets that stock us we wouldn't exist. That's something we never take for granted!

Off to a meeting..

Catch you later




Its a risk!