Its a risk!

Good morning

We had a good day yesterday getting things sorted and planning the next few weeks, as said many times its great to have a plan and we have one but we are fully aware we need to be flexible as things will change etc

One of the things no one can plan for is the weather, if the weather is great at the festival coming up it should be super busy but if its not then all the effort and resources put in place will be a waste. Its a risk all the time when in business and you have to try your best to reduce the risk as much as possible and plan for every eventuality. 

Without risk however, there is no reward so you have to take calculated risks to make progress. 

Developing a new product is a risk, trying a new show is a risk, nothing is a given. 

If you take it for granted that things will just magically work out then you will soon become unstuck. Maintaining a positive attitude towards it really helps but you also have to be realistic and sometimes doubt creeps in, occasional bouts of nervousness can come over you. 

Its during these times you have to remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing, remember the long term goals you have set, think about how far you have come and all the difficult challenges you have overcome to get where you are today. 

When you have gone through this, you pick yourself up and keep going, chipping away at the next task in hand and work towards that vision you have set for yourself. 

So now its looking at the next task in hand, that's today's jobs..we will be getting ready for tonight's gin talk, it's going to be a very long day but that's ok, they go down very well and we are looking forward to it.  

The new product is ready and will go on our website later today, its actually a Cucumber and Lime Vodka, not mint, very refreshing and summery, serve it with tonic, lots of ice and a slice of lime. We have made a small batch in 20cl bottles for people to try.

So off for a meeting and then get stuff done..

Catch you later


Keep grinding it out


News coming