News coming

Good morning!

The weather has certainly's all or nothing with the heat isn't it!

That's pretty much the same in business, you can go long periods of quiet and then all of a sudden you are so consumed by it all you don’t have time to think etc

That's where we currently are, which is a great place to be, we have so much going on it's difficult sometimes to focus on what needs to be done first.

As we wrote on Monday we have two gin evenings this week so we are getting prepared for those, that takes care of Thursday night and Friday night.

We don’t have any shows this weekend so will focus on getting ready for the next few weeks.

We have the Weeting Steam rally next weekend, Friday to Sunday, that's a local one and is usually well attended so we will look forward to that.

The following weekend we have the very large 3 day music festival, The Willow festival, which is being held at the Embankment of Peterborough. It looks amazing and a ticket for the whole 3 days is only £10 per person, with over 170 live music acts, its incredible value for money and it is supporting local music acts. We will have our bar there opposite the main stage so if you are coming you will easily find us. 

This is the largest event we have done and it does produce a logistical nightmare, stock, staffing and the biggest headache is ice…the weather is supposed to be warm again and no one likes a warm drink with no ice and we like to serve our drinks the right way. But we have plans in place to ensure we have everything we need. But as with all these things..who knows what will happen.

Back to today though, we have more things to make, bottle and label, more orders to get out and both shops are open. We have some very exciting news coming this week for one of the shops so watch this space for an announcement.

Right off to a meeting

Catch you later!


Its a risk!


Toad in the hole!