Toad in the hole!

Good morning!

Its Tuesday..

I have had a manic week with lots going on and been running all over the place, but its all good, progress is being made.

It certainly doesn’t always feel like it is but it is.

I met some lovely people last week at the Norfolk Show, had a great catch up with Pete and Tracy, who I have had the pleasure of meeting a few times. 

I have had many conversations with people recently about trying to remain positive, its certainly not easy but it's essential, yes some days are absolutely bloody awful, they usually come after amazing days and times. Someone or something will always come along and try and take the icing off your bun, but that's just normal and its during these times its good to have a vent, have a rant and then usually you find something to laugh about. 

I often say, it will be alright…because it will, as long as you have your health, great people around you, it will be alright. 

It doesn’t mean that some days you think what is the point, or you just want to chuck in the towel or scream and shout etc but I have learnt it will be alright. 

I learnt so many lessons from the pandemic time which will stick with me forever and its amazing to meet people when out and about who still remember the shared journey we all had. How the daily routine of lives at 7am and the wacky challenges and ideas we came up with helped us all. As I always say, it was a massive team effort.

I received a message from Bobbie’s mum recently, for those who don’t know Bobbie came to see us during that mad time to meet us, wasn’t in the best place at the time (as were many of us) and had a passion for cooking, it was around the time we were doing the cooking challenges and Bobbie won the Toad in the Hole competition. Bobbie has gone on to college and has won several awards for her cooking. It was truly amazing to see the pictures of her on stage, the difference in a couple of years is incredible and I am super proud of her. If your mum reads this Bobbie I’m looking forward to coming to your restaurant one day and I will be ordering toad in the hole regardless of it being on the menu or not, ha ha!!

So for me, its these moments which get me through the tough days, its knowing I have amazing people both in my personal life and on here who are cheering me on, supporting me and wanting me to succeed. I want the exact same for them/you…

I guess the point of this blog this morning, is its ok to not always feel positive, it doesn’t come easily or naturally, but its in there, you just have to find it and if you can’t then the good people around you will help you, but as I have learnt, you have to let them..

Have a great day..

Ant x


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