
Good morning!

It's Monday and it's a new week..

After doing the midweek show and then straight into the weekend shows it really throws you, so it's good to start the week positive and resetting ready for this week's challenges..

The weekend was good, the shows went well, the shops were busy so it bodes well going forward. 

The weather has cooled down a little, that really helps at these events and we had the perfect weather for it, warm enough, not too hot and no rain etc, it looks like we have a couple of weeks like this before it gets super hot again!

We have another busy week ahead, two evening gin tasting nights, Thursday and Friday. Thursdays is a private one in a village hall and Friday is a local one at JB Turners near Wisbech which still has tickets available if anyone would like to come along and have a good evening, all about gin!

The week has to start with unloading the vans and sorting out everything from the weekend shows, its no small task today. We can then look to plan our production for the week. 

Gema has been playing with a new product, which might be ready this week, its a cucumber and mint spirit, served with tonic, which is very refreshing for summer!

Our summer cup has been selling well, serve this in a jug with fruit, ice and lemonade.

Another very popular one is the lemon liqueur, so we will need to purchase more lemons and practice our peeling skills again.

We best get started..

Off to the meeting plus coffee!

Catch you later


Toad in the hole!


Was it worth it?