Bloody keys!

Good morning!

As I sit to write this I have to remind myself it's not Monday, I didn’t write yesterday, not because I was hungover, but I was running around getting things done.

The weekend was good, I did Great Staughton on Saturday which went very well, it's a very well organised and supported event, Natalie and Hubby (I think it's Kevin) make such an effort to put the event on and ensure that all stall holders are looked after. I then had to shoot home to feed the dogs and then go up to the distillery to get loaded up for Hunstanton. 

Something very funny then happened, I got in my truck to go to the distillery, my truck has one of those remote keys, which anyone who knows me will know that I am forever losing the key or leaving it in it, I couldn’t see the key anywhere, I pressed the button to start the truck and it started so it must of been in it. After popping in and out of home looking for the key, and looking through the inside and the back I still couldn’t see the key, but the truck started so it must of been in it. I thought sod it, Ill drive off and see what happens, I needed to stop at the supermarket on the way, the truck kept going so the key must of been in it somewhere, I rang Gema to ask her what would happen if I didn’t have the key, after she stopped laughing she said it must be in it somewhere. I had to use an app to lock it whilst I went in the supermarket, thankfully it still started and I got to the distillery to unload. I thought maybe it was in the back with the stock, nope, totally unloaded and still not there. I then found it, it had somehow buried itself in my coat (which I wasn’t wearing), even though I had checked the pockets of the coat several times, it then fell out of one of the sleeves, phew, told Gema I had found it then I was good to go, loaded up ready for Hunstanton in the morning. 

Now I had been watching the weather app, which said it was going to be good on Sunday in Hunstanton, I got up super early to walk the dogs and it was pouring with rain, this wasn’t part of the script, hey ho, it is what it is, so I headed off the not so Sunny Hunny to get set up. We had to be in our own gazebo, so early Sunday morning in the pouring rain I had the joy of putting the gazebo up and getting ready for the show to start at 10. It rained all day, however I met some lovely people and I thoroughly enjoyed the day. Obviously the weather has a big impact, but you cannot do anything about that. Typically, when it came to 3pm and packing down, it rained even harder, I laugh when these things happen. Driving home I got about 15 minutes into my drive and the sun came out, beautiful sunshine! Even had to put my sunglasses on, again its typical!

I then went out for something to eat and enjoyed a few pints of Gunniess.

Sarah was at Bourne, and had a good day there, people were asking who won, it was a draw! We took pretty much identical in takings.

Yesterday we had the delights of getting everything unloaded and drying out the Gazebo, so we spent most of the day doing that. 

Before you know it, its Tuesday morning and time to plan the week…We have a taster night on Friday in the primary school, so we will start getting ready for that, I thoroughly enjoy these nights and after the last one when I was poorly, I am looking forward to being back to my usual self this time. 

Right best get to the meeting!

Catch you later

Ant x


Slowly slowly!

