Blue Monday??

Good morning!

My hands are bloody freezing which is making typing interesting!

So apparently yesterday was blue monday, we heard it on the radio, someone somewhere gave it that name to describe the most depressing day of the year..things like that do my head in, if you are having a tough time you really don’t need to hear things like that, then off the back of it I started seeing companies offering sales to cheer you up on blue monday! What is that all about…Spending money won’t make yourself feel better, talking to someone close to you, going out in the fresh air for a walk or doing something positive for yourself or a random act of kindness for someone else, that will make you feel better. This type of thing does baffle me, bloody blue monday…

I was chatting to a friend earlier who runs there own business, saying its quiet, I said I bet it is, its bloody January, nothing happens in January. Its like me complaining its cold in the shed in the fens, it is cold, its supposed to be cold, its bloody January! I have been on this planet for 47 years and even I have worked out its bloody cold in January, its usually cold in February too! The irony of this is its taking me a while to type this as my hands are too cold to type, ha ha! 

Don’t get me wrong, we all love a good moan and a vent to get it off our chest, thats a good thing, far better than bottling it up, but then it is what it is, so then its time to get on with it. 

Thats what I have to tell myself, I had to tell myself that earlier this morning before defrosting the truck and coming up to work, I had to tell myself that when I got here and was still sat in the truck with the heater on full blast, thinking bugger this. I then had to tell myself this when taking the dogs for a walk. 

Right got my little written rant off my chest and now good to go with sorting out work for the day..

We have had the leaflets designed and they have gone off to the printers so when they come back we will start delivering them round Hunstanton and Wells. 

We are doing more work on the Lovers Liqueur today too, aswell as loads of emails etc etc

Right off to a meeting in a warmed up caravan

Catch you later!

Ant x


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