Bottling Whisky!

Good morning!

We had a fun day yesterday, after sorting out the vans from the weekend shows we started emptying the Whisky. If you saw the facebook live we had our first taste test, it was absolutely delicious. It came out of the barrel at a little over 52% abv and super dark in colour. We then dropped it down to 40% and it is very smooth and full of flavour.

So today we will get it bottled, we will have approx 80 bottles and they will go on sale tomorrow, we are very excited for this and hope everyone who wants one gets one. Last year they went very quickly though, so we will see what happens.

I heard from the March Con club yesterday, they have sold over 45 tickets for Fridays tasting night which is amazing, they still have tickets available if anyone wants to join us for a fun evening! 

We are still booking up shows, its a constant thing that keeps on throughout the year, we have some fun looking new ones in the diary, I was chatting to someone on Saturday who is new to doing shows and I said they are simply a lottery, even after all these years they are a lottery!

Our TikTok following continues to grow, we have gone past the 10,000 followers now, which is amazing, we were contacted through the app to enquire about distribution in an oversea’s country, I had a chat with them yesterday and we will continue to see where it takes us. 

Overseas distribution is something I have been looking at for a while, with such a large following, not just in this country, it is something that could happen, it just needs the right partner in the right country that we can work with. Its a very slow and complex process but we are open to it so lets see whats happens. It still blows my mind that even this blog has readers in other countries around the world!

Its the power of the internet and social media, you have no idea who sees what you are doing and no idea on the reach a viral post can get. Yes you can try and over analyse it, predict it etc but we don’t have time for that, we simply just keep doing what we do and lets see where it takes us.

Right best get to the meeting…

Catch you later!

Ant x


Super short


Single Malt Whisky #2