Single Malt Whisky #2

Good morning!

It's Monday, it's a new week, and most importantly we now have a barrel of single malt whisky in the shed in the fens. As I have written before, it was made over 3 years ago and now we can empty it and have a taste test. 

Last year I wrote to the press etc to see if they were interested in it, they were not, so this year I won’t be bothering, I will just tell everyone ourselves. 

I am super excited for this, I have been distilling now for 13 years, making many many different products, but the Whisky that came out the barrel last year was one of my proudest moments, so lets see how this one has turned out. I will go live later and will give you the heads up, to let you know when to taste it and see how it is. 

I had a catch up on Friday morning with someone who is also in business over a coffee, it was great to just talk about how things are going at the moment and its something we will do more of. 

I then got sorted to go to the show on Saturday at Great Staughton village hall, it didn’t start till 11.30 so it was quite a leisurely Saturday morning, as soon as I got there it had a good feel about it. The organisers, Natalie and her hubby made me super welcome. As soon as the doors opened it was very busy for a couple of hours. Fair play to the organisers they had worked very hard on promoting the event and it was a great success. A quick pack up and then a lovely chilled Saturday evening. 

Sarah did bourne market yesterday, and that was another good show, and the shops did well over the weekend, so overall a good weekend. 

I am often asked, how are things going and its difficult to answer, like every small business owner I speak with, they say the same. Things are very challenging, challenging times, you have good days and you have, excuse my language, shite days, sometimes you feel like everything is against you and you want to just lock the door and drive off into the sunset, other days you feel on cloud nine, so when asked how are things I just say, they are good, very challenging times but we are just chipping away, one day at a time.

So todays focus is on sorting the vans out from the shows, then getting the whisky sorted and if its good enough to put out for sale then thats what we will be working on, I am confident it will be so I won’t be thinking about it if its not. 

Right off to a meeting..

Catch you later

Ant x


Bottling Whisky!


It’s Friday!!