
Good morning, its certainly fresh again, the days are getting longer and when the sun comes out it is beautiful, spring is on the way

When it comes to writing this, we have absolutely no idea what we are going to write, we simply start writing. It's far to easy to over think things, I don't know what to say, what are we going to write about blah blah blah

Yes these are never going to win a pulitzer price (yes had to Google writing awards and chose number 3 because it sounded fancy!) but that is not the point. For us, all that matters is we do it, we enjoy it, it helps us and its a bonus if just one person takes time out off their day to read it and enjoys it.

This over thinking stops many of us doing things we want to do, mainly through fear, the fear of what may happen, what someone thinks of us, will they laugh at us, will we get negative feedback etc etc

This is something we work very hard on, just having a go, making that first step. We all have ideas floating around our head, things we would love to do but the fear stops us, we usually find a million reasons not to do it, not to try, but you only need to take that first step. There are many many times we think of a new product, or a new post or a new competition and don't do it, we over think it then it doesn't happen and then the sad thing is we would never know if it would of been successful or not. It certainly wasn't a success because we did nothing about it.

So if you have that idea that you have always wanted to have a go at, just have a go, doesn't have to be perfect on day one, but you have to make a start, then perfect it as you go.. We are proof of that and hope to continue to do so. Watch this space! 

Have a good day! 

Positive bit - read the above again 




It's Tuesday!