
Good morning,.

We were overwhelmed by how well received yesterday's blog was, it seems that it's a common thing that fear holds us back for numerous reasons. It's inspiring to read your comments on how you have given something a go, whether that be making your own blood orange gin or the extreme of shaving your hair off for charity, whatever makes your bum twitch is probably worth giving a go, what's the worst that can happen? . On the subject of the blood orange gin, we are looking forward to trying it, nevermind saying there won’t be any left, we are sure you have an empty miniature bottle laying around!

If you haven't noticed, these ramblings are only aimed at ourselves, things we are doing and working on in the shed in the fens, but it's amazing that they resonate to others, see we are all the same, we are all dealing with our own issues, and trying to find the best way of overcoming them. We often say we are simply winging it, everyone is, it's just some people are prepared to put themselves out there and these people are an inspiration to us. Doesn't matter if it seems a failure, just keep going, adjusting and learning. 

The Amour is an example of this, we said before it launched that if we can sell the first batch then it's a success, if we sold half of the first batch it's still a success and we have nearly sold all of it, so that's a success. Not only in terms of sales but to be able to document the journey here, from development, production, packaging and then release on the market. It's great for us to learn from, never take it for granted and makes us super excited for the next bit of fun we decide to do. Don’t forget your pictures, good or bad!

We did a short 8 hour competition yesterday on Facebook and Instagram, the fear we had which held us back from doing it was the stress it causes when the bloody fake accounts get hold of it and start contacting our followers asking for bank details. We couldn’t allow ourselves to not do it because of something that might happen in the future, so we did it, put a warning on the post and it went out. It was great seeing some of the comments, “ill tag hubby but im not sharing!” “Ill share with my partner of 50 years” the list goes on. So thank you everyone who entered, and congratulations to the two winners, they will go out today. 

It's supposed to be getting a little warmer today, so fingers crossed, we are still busy booking events, we have also had great interest in our tasting nights which are always great fun, five minutes before they start is another story, that's super twitchy bum time! We are even doing one over zoom for a company that has employees dotted about over the country, again that should be fun.

We are working on several projects behind the scenes and as it's a quieter time of the year it's a good time to get things in order in the shed before it gets busier.

Posh coffee..We will be having posh coffee tomorrow at 2pm if you wish to join us, if you do ask us about Matty. Matty was someone we wrote a very long blog about on Tuesday and deleted, through fear, but as above we feel it's a story that needs to be shared, so in true Fenspirits style, let's do it live, and without fear. 

A massive congratulations to Michelle from Art of Deception, some of her artwork which is in an exhibition in Peterborough was highlighted on the BBC website, check her page to find it. Michelle is another example, like Birdhouse Brewery, who despite experiencing the same fears, still does it. Yet from the outside you would look at her work which is bloody amazing and not see it. Some of you would have met Michelle, she does shows for us and is a great part of the social misfit team, fits in perfectly!

Have a good day

Positive bit - the feeling when you overcome your twitchy bum (that's twitch not itch!) is amazing

PS Jonathan, how's the consultancy thoughts? Get out and give it a go


It's Friday!!

