
Good morning!

Brrrrr I think the gloves will soon be coming out for the morning dog walk, must be getting old because I never used to feel the cold.

We had another productive day yesterday, it didn’t start off too great with sugar spilling all over the floor, we were putting the next batch on to ferment and the bag had a hole in it, no big drama, but it did make a mess.

We spent most of the day bottling, labelling and processing orders. 

We have signed off the proof for the baubles packaging and if all goes well they will be printed and with us by next Friday. We will then put some together and show you the finished product. 

We spent quite some time on planning Fridays taster evening, I think we have it all planned out now. It will be a good evening! We only have one more after this one which is in Aldreth and that's on the 8th of December.

We have ordered some small hamper/basket type things with pretty bows etc which will be in our Hunstanton shop, Karen is going to have a play around and make up some hampers for Christmas gifts. We will post some pics of these and if anyone would like to order them for delivery before Christmas then they can. 

Did you see the picture of the hot chocolate that is served in our Well’s cafe? I have not had the delight of having one yet but I will make sure I get up there to try one, it looks amazing!

So today is really about just grinding it out, doing what needs to be done, we have had many supply issues, things like caps for miniatures have become a nightmare to get hold off, ordered them on the 22nd September and still come in, they usually take a couple of days, fortunately we have found an alternative supplier and they will be delivered tomorrow. Its little things like this which are out of your control which can be a right pain in the arse, they can take up so much of your time trying to get them resolved but they usually do. No point overly stressing about them, even though you want to kick things, shout and scream, eventually you get sorted. That doesn’t mean that sometimes you kick things or shout etc, it's the unnecessary stress which can be avoided that gets to me. A simple email saying these are not in stock and delivery will be delayed would've meant I could have found an alternative much sooner. It's one of the reasons why I won’t put a product on our website unless we have actually made it and it's ready to be sent out. It would cause so much hassle and stress if we didn’t do it this way and we would end up letting people down or missing orders etc . A few extra pounds in sales is really not worth it. 

Right off to a meeting

Catch you later

Ant x



