
Good morning!

It's certainly a wet cold one this morning, we had massive thunderstorms again last night. 

I have just finished walking the dogs, it certainly doesn’t bother them, it doesn’t bother me as long as I have a decent coat on etc 

That's enough of the weather, back to what's going on here at the shed in the fens. Yesterday was a good day, we spent most of the morning sorting out the stuff from the weekend's shows. If you saw the ‘live’ yesterday you would have seen the baubles full. After Fridays nights talk we were asked the following questions

Are they too heavy to hang on a tree?

We tested them on Sunday on a small tree and no they were perfectly fine hanging from it

Will they break if dropped?

As you saw yesterday I dropped them from various heights and they simply bounced.

So now we eagerly wait for the packaging to arrive, just need to be patient now…

We put the coconut rum on the website yesterday afternoon and sold plenty, so thank you, we look forward to hearing your feedback, I highly recommend trying it with pineapple juice and a splash of grenadine. Gema tried some with tonic and said it was delicious. 

So today we will be sorting out wholesale orders and planning production for the week, before we know it we will be through October and then it really is silly season. We will find out this week when the apple juice will be ready so we can start, dare I say it, making ‘bloody mulled gin’!

I was asked on Friday night about is it a marketing ploy when things go out of stock or when I stop making certain products etc, I can say it's absolutely not, when a particular product goes mental in terms of sales it can get very crazy in here, not only do you get messages complaining it's out of stock, you get told things like ‘just make more’ etc, if it was that easy we would. We have limited resources, especially time, so we have to manage what we make very carefully, and we have to allocate our resources across many different products and also many different revenue streams, shows, wholesale orders, our own shops and the internet. We are not a large factory that can just turn a tap on, or stockpile throughout the year just for a couple of months. Yes we get prepared as much as we can and our resources allow us but when it comes to it it is very much hand to mouth, we do ok though and usually get through it and aim to ensure everyone gets what they want.

Right, I best get off to a meeting!

Catch you later

Ant x




Busy times