Busy times

Good morning!

I hope you had a good weekend, we certainly had a busy one.

The rum tasting went very well, I was nervous before it started as I knew I would be, it takes a few minutes to settle the nerves after I start talking and then I get into it. By the end of the evening I go round to each table to have a chat and see if they enjoyed themselves and the feedback was positive. So everyone seemed to go home happy, it was great to see a room full of people sat around for a long time after I had finished just chatting, drinking and eating the lovely food they put on. A good sign everyone had a good night out, as I have always said, that is the aim.

I then had to be up early Saturday to go to Gransden to set up for the show, it takes me a while to come down after one of these talks so I didn’t have much sleep but that’s ok, far better to have had a great night and less sleep than the other way around.

I was right next to my friend Paul from Birdhouse Brewery at the show, so we spent all day chatting and putting the world to rights whilst selling and servicing customers. It was a great day for both of us, it went quite quickly and before you know it you are all packed up and heading home.

Yesterday I had a day off work and had a great day, after the long two days previously it was good to not be working and just do normal things. My world is about to go crazy for a couple of months so it’s great to enjoy some downtime.

Sarah had a good day at Holbeach Farmers markets and both shops did well over the weekend, so all in all a great weekend and a nice balance for me of work and non work.

Then before you know it I am back here and it’s Monday morning and it all starts again.

We have plenty to do this week, the printers have confirmed the baubles fit perfectly so we have pushed the button on getting them produced, they should be available for sale in a couple of weeks. We can now workout exact coatings and have a final sales price.

We have another talk this Friday at Little Thetford, this time it’s a full tasting night on our range, Vodka, Gin and Rum, I’m looking forward to that night too.

We also have a show on Saturday, Spalding Pumpkin Festival, it’s held in the town centre , a wonderful local event, look forward to seeing some of you there.

I have come in today to find our internet has gone down so after the meeting that is the first task, technology is great when it works and a proper pain in the arse when it doesn’t.

Before I go to a meeting, a huge thank you to everyone who continues to support us, whether that be buying our products, visiting our shops or just liking and sharing our stuff on social media, it really is appreciated

Catch you later!

Plenty of coffee today I feel

Ant x




Bum Nip!