Busy Busy Busy!

Good morning! 

It's Monday and a new week..

A bloody busy one ahead but before we get onto that…

Last week and the weekend can only be described as challenging, to say the very least, have you found yourself saying things can’t get any worse and then bang, they do, then bang bang bang and you sit there thinking what on earth is going on, why is this happening, everything has gone to pot…what's the point etc 

Well it was one of those, but if you have followed us for a long time and read these blogs you will know how we deal with those situations. There is no point talking the talk and not walking the walk so to speak. You know what they say …practice what you preach. So that's exactly what we are doing.

Firstly you have a choice first thing in the morning, think of yourself as a victim and feel sorry for yourself or get up and do what you have to do, regardless of if you want to or not. Write a list down of what needs to be done, what you can control and what you can’t and then focus on the first thing on that list that is in your control. Then move onto the next and then the next etc. Before you know it you will have created some momentum and that feeling of being a victim will have passed and you will have made some progress. So thats exactly what we are doing.

Needed to get that out there before looking forward to the week ahead. 

We have the music festival this weekend, Friday to Sunday, tickets are still available and you can buy them on the door if you decide at the last minute to come along. There is lots to be done between now and then so thats something we will be working on. 

The cafe/bar is coming along nicely, it's only two weeks to the grand opening, so that's something we will be working on.

We will be putting a post out later as we are looking for someone to join the team and do shows for us at weekends. It's an opportunity for someone to experience the highs and lows of the show life, its not a job for the faint hearted because its certainly a rollercoaster role, however it can be extremely rewarding.

Right off to a meeting to write a bloody long list of things that need to be done..

Catch you later!


Get up now!

