
Good morning!

It's Friday!!

It's been another week of progress, we are really pleased with the article the EDP published yesterday.

Thank you for the lovely comments, it will be a great event on the 28th when it's officially open.

Now each week that goes by we make progress, some weeks more than others, it doesn't matter if it feels like only a little was made, it's still moving forward and it accumulates over time. Nothing ever happens instantly or as quickly as you would like it to happen, but as long as you keep going, putting one foot in front of the other you will get there. It also makes it more worthwhile when you do, a great feeling of accomplishment.

Today is more of the same, chipping through what needs to be done, plus getting ready for next week's festival. If you are coming to it, come and say hello and enjoy a drink or two.

We have also had a few more bookings for later in the year for taster night’s, this has kicked us up the backside to organise another one in Hunstanton, if there is demand for it, so will put a few dates out there later today. We have changed up how we do the taster nights, so if you have attended our old gin ones or hosted one of these, the new format is very different, a completely different night and they are going down a storm. 

We have had several conversations with other businesses at the moment and all of them are saying the same thing, its all about survival at the moment, this comes down to having a positive mindset and outlook on the future. Things always go in cycles, after times of booming it then seems to crash for a while and then the boom comes back. Our way of surviving is to maintain our core values, offer value for money, not allowing product quality to reduce so save a pound, working hard, and getting out there to show and tell people what we do. They then make their own decision if they wish to buy or not. So again thank you to everyone who makes the decision to purchase something from us, online, in the shops, at shows and now by purchasing a ticket to one of the taster evenings. It really is appreciated and enables us to carry on.

Have a great weekend, if you get a chance to try the Raspberry vodka and cranberry juice let us know what you think, we will be having a couple over the weekend too. Another popular non fizzy one is our Toffee Vodka liqueur with apple juice so might have to have a couple of those too.

RIght off to a meeting

Catch you later!


Busy Busy Busy!

