Ely Day 2 done

Good morning!

Day2 at Ely Cathedral all done, I met with Paul early and we had a walk round Ely and a Coffee before it started. It was good to chill with him before the madness started.

It was a very busy show day, they bring in lots of buses of people from all over.

The day was a day of two halves, in the morning lots of people just looking etc, this is totally understandable, but as anyone who has done a show will tell you it can play with your head, if you are tired or have other stresses going on, it’s very easy to get very down in the dumps, it can only take one negative comment to make you think what’s the point etc. Even after all these years going it, it can still happen. So the morning was about keeping your head up, saying hello to everyone as they go past.

Before you know it people start engaging more, sampling more then before you know it you are handing over bags of products and your takings are going up. As I said earlier, it can take only one negative comment, it can also take only one positive fun interaction and your whole mood changes. I was very lucky I had some fantastic interactions, met lots of people who follow us, had some great banter and ultimately had a great afternoon.

I then had to go back up to the distillery to restock before finally getting home.

So it’s back to it today, Gema has done a fantastic job back in the shed, so I have enough stock to see me through the rest of the show. We also have Peterborough Cathedral starting today, so lots going on.

Today is going to be a long one, it finishes at 9pm tonight and Friday night is supposed to be busy so let’s see what happens!

Right best get to it!

Catch you later

Ant x


Thank you!


Ely Cathedral