Ely Cathedral

Good morning!

So yesterday I went and set up at Ely in the morning, met up with Paul from Birdhouse Brewery who was also setting up, he kindly gave me a hand wheeling my stock in.

I literally dumped my stuff and then headed back, stopped off and had a lovely lunch before getting back to the Distillery, had a quick turn around sorting stuff out with Gema before heading home to get changed and then back to Ely.

I got all the stock out including the Christmas decorations and then had a coffee with Paul, it was supposed to start at 6.30pm but people were coming in early.

I had a great evening, it was busy and met lots of people who follow us.

Before we knew it it was 9 pm and time to go home.

A decent sleep , made sandwiches and now about to head back this morning, it’s my turn to buy Paul a coffee.

It was a mixture of everything that was selling, I have to make a decision today what stock I need to collect tonight for Friday and Saturday so that will be interesting!

Right off to a different meeting outside Ely Cathedral!

Catch you later

Ant x


Ely Day 2 done

