Enjoy it!

Good morning!

It's a fresh cold one this morning, but sitting outside with my early morning coffee looking at the stars was beautiful, I had a great evening and a great start to the day.

Yesterday we had a great day, we gots lots bottled off and labeled for the week ahead, so the plan for the show stocks are coming together.

We packed off all the advent calendars so they will be picked up this morning and should be delivered by Friday, we hope you enjoy them!

We have more of the same today, lots of bottling etc and then getting ready to set up at Bury St Edmunds which we can do from 6pm this evening, ready for the show to start tomorrow morning. 

We were talking about the Christmas quiz last night. It's on the 15th of December at 7pm, I am now the proud owner of a Christmas shirt ready for it. I still need to practice my acting, drawing and kazoo playing, plenty of time for that! Probably the day of the 15th!

I have just taken the pups for there morning walk, its definitely chilly out there, I think I am getting soft as I get older so will soon get my thermals out, especially for some of the shows coming up, its supposed to be zero degrees at the weekend.Thermal socks are definitely in order.

I do like doing a show when it's crisp outside, as long as its dry then it makes for a good day, especially when you can sample mulled gin warm, even having a cheeky one or two myself throughout the day.

The days and weeks are flying by and before we know it we will be through the mad period and Christmas will be with us, so regardless of getting tired etc I try hard to enjoy this time because it really is the fun part of this, when people are out at a Christmas show doing there present buying, its such a different atmosphere to a regular show. So thats the plan for the next 7 days, enjoy it and have some fun. Plus I get to eat loads on my travels, that is always a bonus!

Right best get to the meeting 

Catch you later

Ant x


Bury set up


Plan plan plan!