Glass Half Full!

Good morning!

We made it to Friday…yay! I have just taken the dogs for their morning walk, listened to music, had a chat with mum and then it's a good time to just reflect on the week. 

As per every week that goes by, it has its challenges, its ups and downs, rants and problems to solve etc but progress has been made and it's been a good week.

I have had several conversations with people this week, that's no big surprise, I don’t stop talking, but I am very fortunate to have great people around me that also enjoy a good old open conversation. It creates a safe place where you can talk through the challenges that come your way, and every single time you end up laughing a lot about something or other and its incredible therapy. You don’t always agree with each other but it doesn't stop you having these chats, it gives you someone else's perspective on the situation and that can really help you, stops you just living in your head and thinking its always down to you etc It's no coincidence that each of these people are what you would call ‘glass half full’ kind of people, positive people, that doesn’t mean that every day is great and they are permanently happy, but it does mean that when the chips are down and the whole world could be falling down around them, they will pull their socks up and make the best of a bad situation. Those people are my kind of people, there is always a way to drag your sorry arse out of the situation and those people can help you do it. Far better than the other way round…those people just enjoy bringing you down. So thank you to those super close to me, it's appreciated, what a team.

If you saw the ‘live’ yesterday you would have seen me warn Gema about going in the bin, don’t worry neither the tape gun, the bin or Gema were harmed! Its all good fun!

I had confirmation the ‘bloody’ bauble packaging will be with us a week today..

We are now getting ready for tonight's taster night, I am again really looking forward to it, it doesn’t matter that its going to be a long day, I know I will be buzzing after it, then it's straight off to Spalding to attend the pumpkin festival. A full on couple of days and then on Sunday some downtime before the week starts again. I am really looking forward to the weekend!

I saw comments that some of you will be receiving your Coconut Rum today, try it with the pineapple and grenadine and let us know what you think, if you can send us a picture!

So I hope whatever you are up to this weekend, have a great one, if you are coming tonight to Little Thetford, see you later! 

Right off to a meeting

Catch you later

Ant x



